Smashed flambeéd Game Burger
Date: 21/07/2020Allowedly: the pattie is probably the only healthy thing involved in this burger. And I have to caution the reader: you’ll be addicted to this masterpiece!
It all starts with the preparation which is a joy for itsself. The smell of cheese and Whisky (which will be flambeéd), the sight of your BBQ-place and the knowledge that your pattie was earned outdoors – all I need to be happy!
Ingerdients for the Burger:
- Game minced meat
- Burgerbuns
- Rocket salad
- Red Onions
- Bacon
- BBQ-Sauce
- Whisky
For the cheese sauce:
- Cheddar
- Gouda
- White wine
- Garlic
- Milk
- Tabasco
The cheese sauce can either be prepared on the grill or back at home. Roast some hacked garlic in heat-resistant oil before deglazing the lot with white wine. Add a sip of milk, then cheaddar and gouda until you get a nice, viscid sauce. Season with Tabasco. Now flavor the minced meat with pepper and form proper patties. I usaully use a BBQ-board to grill the patties, where one can gently smash the patties to give them additional taste. Then comes the exciting part: Flambeé the patties with a hearty sip of whisky! The bacon be jolleyed and grilled till it’s crisp. Cut the burger buns in a half, toast them with some butter or with the fat of your bacon until the insides are golden. Before that, use a shot glas and punch the top half so that you get a hole in the bun.
Now we need to build the whole thing together: put some rocket on the lower bun, add some onion rings and BBQ-Sauce. Then mount the bun with the hole in it, arrange your bacon twisters in that hole and fill the whole construction with as much cheese sauce as you want!
Enjoy your game burger and Waidmannsheil from Mountbatten, Jens